Why is it not fun to be the youngest child?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Everyone thinks being the youngest child is probably the best advantage in the world. Well, it is and it isn’t. It is like a blessing to be pampered and looked after like a royal highness. But the blessing becomes a curse when it takes the wrong direction. Following are the reasons why it is not fun to be the youngest child.

1. You are constantly looked down

I’m telling you, your world is doomed if you’re born after 2 or more oldest siblings. You are constantly compared with the rest of the siblings no matter how good you are on your own. In that case, people are going to jot your incapabilities down and dismantle you, be it personally or professionally!

2. You are always treated like a kid

Would you like if somebody else takes control of your life? That happens for most of the youngest children across the world. Furthermore, people may question you for your life decisions and basically, everything else! Some may even point out your mistakes in the past and not let you move forward.

3. You may feel like an accident

What is the point of having siblings if you’re not bullied by them? Sometimes, a joke could linger in your mind longer than it should. But there is nothing worse than feeling you’re not as loved as you think you are. There could be a group of people in your family who doesn’t know you exist along with your 2 or more oldest siblings.

4. Your words are overlooked

Sometimes, your family may fail to notice your words and actions. For example, your parents would prefer to work through a problem with the help of your siblings even if you have the smartest solution for the same. They think your siblings are better problem-solvers than you. Maybe you’re still a humongous kid to their eyes!

5. You are made to believe you’re the most loved

This is the most underrated weapon that parents use to calm a frustrated youngest child. They try to lock you down with “but.. I love you the most in our family” and trust me, it makes you weak in your knees. As a result of this “powerful weapon”, you lose the argument once and for all.

6. You are a tad spoiled

There are many things you miss out on learning, be it a few disciplines or life lessons. You may fail to notice your privileges until you’re put through a difficult time if your parents try to keep you off from the hardships. Also, it gets harder to work through your problems.

7. You become a bait

This thing happens in most Indian families as far as I know. You are expected to do better at something that your oldest sibling failed to do, be it college degree or arranged marriage! In short, you are supposed to be an embodiment of age-old family traditions. You may have to live your parents life plan. No kidding! Scary, right?

8. You become one more thing to worry about

There could be more than 1000 problems for all the parents out there, yet the youngest child worry them the most. You are expected to lead a life on your own when it is no longer yours! To be more precise, they have the lock as well as the key to your life. It may take time for them to realise and set you free.

So why it is not fun to be the youngest child…

Sometimes, just being heard out is enough! Being the youngest child is not always fun or blessed. Every struggle mentioned above is real, heartfelt and true. Please comment below if you are the youngest child and could feel the same.


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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