the call you never made

The call you never made…

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you still regret not making that 1 phone call? It could be the call to your best friend, mentor, family, etc. The call that could have possibly changed the entire timeline in your life.

The call you never made to discuss your depression

You might have had depression/problems in the past life but you chose to not discuss with your friends. Let’s say, the time did not favour you or you were simply not brave enough to call and discuss about it.

The call you never made to be there for your loved ones

How about the time when you did not call your loved ones to spend time with them? You’re regretting now because you lost them, be it breakup or death. 

The call you never made to grab your opportunity

Some of you might have not called back the employer to accept the job which is now appearing to be thriving. And all your friends are earning better than you.

The call you never made to apologise

People make mistakes. How about the time when you did not want to apologise despite knowing its your mistake? And you are still fighting your ego.

The call you never made to talk your heart out

Nothing’s worser than routine calls you made to just say hi/bye or nothing at all! You might have failed to call your loved ones to talk your heart out.

You may wonder that your life is screwed up because of the calls you never made. But I’d still say you learnt so many things that you wouldn’t have if you had made those calls. Honestly, you are stronger, braver, tougher, and more true now. Look at it like this, you have more life experiences with these realisations now. Also, it is never too late to grab your phone and make the call you never made!


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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