just WHY?

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While the world’s highest intelligence agencies are trying to track down that 1 person who had the infamous bat soup, I’m just trying to figure out

Why are the mean aunties and uncles always nosey and invade someone’s personal space?

Why do bullies act like they’re extroverts with their unfunny and mean jokes?

Why are the perverts and rapists being honoured in political parties and religious groups?

Why are the cowards so brave on their social media stories and statuses?

Why do ‘friends turned strangers’ act like nothing ever happened?

Why is ignorance a bliss when there is still a chaos in the heart?

Why is the apology not heartfelt?

Why is the love not true?

Why is the happiness a target?

Why is there no value for honesty?

Ok.. But

Why are we still disobeying the quarantine policies when there are hundreds of people dying?

Why are we still being jerks?

Why.. Just WHY?

A million dollar question though.


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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