How to stop overthinking
Overthinking is something that some of us are overly gifted with! The kind of thoughts that run through our minds is just so…crazy. I hate to say this, but overthinking is the root cause of mental health problems. It could lead to depression, anxiety, etc. Also, it is like keeping a hater by our side despite knowing he/she is toxic. However, there are a few things that can keep us away from overthinking.
Keeping ourselves busy
This is like an age-old fact that we keep hearing, yet we don’t follow it. Keeping ourselves busy does not necessarily mean assigned work. It can also mean doing things that we like. Talking to friends, watching a movie, indulging in a favourite hobby or anything that can stop us from overthinking. Also, it is not a sin to step back from the daily routines every once in a while to detox our minds.
Doing things right away
Sometimes, piling up work or to-do lists can overload our minds. We may end up thinking about those pending tasks throughout the day. It could be anything like doing an assignment or apologising after falling out with a friend. In the first place, it is not a smart choice to postpone anything that could get rid of our burden. It is important to let go of our ego and leave no gap for things that could occupy our minds for the rest of the day.
Sharing problems with someone
Now this is something basic that most of us don’t follow today! We think it is a heroic act to suffer alone without letting our loved ones know about it. It is absolutely necessary to share our problems with someone in whom we can confide to. Letting a loved one know about our problems/internal conflict is the best feeling ever. Furthermore, it reduces the need to worry about the things that we can’t change.
Accepting change in life
A change is constant and inevitable in life. Having said this, we need to accept any change to move forward in life. It takes times to settle down with the reality but it is all worth it. We must leave the past behind and move forward in life without a slightest tinge of regret. Trust me, it could be the turning point in our lives. Therefore, it is time to set off, and there is no looking back!
Believing in life
I can’t emphasise this enough! We must believe and not give up when life gets rough. It is not rocket science. Patience is key, and it will be over sooner than we think. Let us not be so stingy, and give some time for everything to get sorted out. In the meantime, it is important to stay motivated. I keep saying this a thousand times on my other blog posts, but here I go again…
This, too, shall pass.
So let us give a break to our beautiful ‘overused brains’, and focus on the brighter side in this hour.
An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!
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