How to stand up for yourself
Sometimes, the world can be cruel to you with unnecessary hatred and negativity. But taking that into your head and breaking down is solely your choice. I had a worst teacher in my school who negatively impacted me with her ugly hatred. Furthermore, she caused me the worst fears and I have to live through them for the rest of my high school years. How I wish I had stood up for myself though! Today, with so many things happening around the world, hatred is even more easily accessible. But it is NOT impossible to get rid of people walking all over you. Following are some quick ways to take charge of your life and stand up for what you deserve the best.
Get rid of fears from your head
Whatever the threat may be, do not let your fears slowly consume you. Trust me, it does more damage than the actual threat itself. Step out of your normal routine and engage in a fun activity that distracts your mind.
Do not give up on your mission
Do not give up on your dreams or anything that actually matters to you, be it your aim or everyday goal. There is no way you can give up after all the things you went through to be here.
Be patient
You do not have to immediately take the ugly turn just because your hater/bully threw a shade at you on social media. Remember, you have no time for cowardice! You can still stay on your ground, and not lose your patience. Let your hard work do the talking.
Realise your self-worth
You are nowhere at fault and you are amazing the way you are. Do not fall into the trap that makes you believe you’re not important. Embrace your flaws, and everything else about you.
Don’t be shy to seek help
You cannot shy away from asking for help when it is required. For example, if you are cornered by people for no reason, it is significant to let your loved ones know about the situation. This is the least best thing you can do for yourself. I wish I had (at least) followed this advice when the teacher made my academic year a nightmare in school.
Please do not let anyone control your life. Remember, everyone is deserving of love and life. It is about time to stand up for yourself!
An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!
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