How imperfect are you?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Father: My friend’s son is working in an onsite project.

Teacher: She outperformed everyone in Maths.

Neighbour: Your friend looks gorgeous.

Girlfriend: My ex was so good at everything!

Manager: He is the perfect person for this designation!

Husband: My mother is the best cook in the world.

Son: My friend’s father is such a cool guy.   

If you are at the receiving end in any one of the above conversations, you’d feel imperfect. It is natural! You know what, there is no person on earth who’d not feel imperfect. It is ok to be imperfect. You are going to grab a lot of attention when you are not perfect. You never know, there will be people who secretly envy you.

Are you as imperfect as this leaf? The one at the top, yeah that one! Notice how beautifully imperfect and flawed it is? It still stands out to people. Count your blessings and be proud of your imperfections. Embrace them. Do not fall prey to the “standards” that the society had discovered centuries ago. Prove them wrong. You are YOU no matter what and that’s the beauty!

How imperfect are you? A little bit or as big as the pacific ocean?

You are lucky if you are the latter one. You deserve a chance and a shot at everything in life. Stop doubting yourself or your worth. Amidst all the fluffy candy-like looking clouds in the sky, you are one that looks like a cute doggo, a cupid, or a doggo cupid to different people around the world.


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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