Getting naked…
Getting naked is not just about stripping off all your clothes for sex, shower, or anything else. Have you ever thought about getting your heart naked? And no, it is not like plucking the heart out of your body. That is too much of graphic details to discuss in this forum. Just kidding! Today, the world demands you to be anything except real. Being original and true without any disguise can be rewarding. Here are 3 reasons why you should get your life naked as often as you can.
1. The world is growing louder
Hate to say this, but social media has become the real world for a lot of youngsters now. All those tweets, followers, likes are replacing hugs, phone calls and life in general. Furthermore, the world is louder with peer pressure. Sometimes, you need to be like someone else in order to be accepted.
Being yourself and not giving a damn about the manmade standards matter the most. Also, having your own set of good principles with integrity will lead you to stress-free life. People are going to judge you no matter what. But who cares? Get your good thoughts and ideas naked in the world.
2. Your happiness is reliant on materialistic things
Today, people mostly rely on weekend getaways, shopping spree, and other expensive luxuries for happiness. I agree that it helps to cope up with stressful life, but it would not suffice! Happiness is when you experience something that is everlasting. It does not need lavish spending all the time.
It is not rocket science to differentiate happiness from short-lived pleasure. Sometimes, doing what your heart wants is all it takes. It could be star-watching, imagining yourself like MJ and dancing in your room like a 2 year old kid, cooking a meal for your favourite person, or anything for that matter!
3. Love is all about lust
Lust is the reason why many relationships don’t last long. Unfortunately, most people only focus on getting naked under the sheets. Taking off your clothes could be easier than stripping off the extra layers added to your personality. But you cannot take the relationship to the next level without showing your real self.
Embracing your vulnerabilities is an important quality in any relationship! Letting your loved one know about your strength and weakness is the best thing ever. Hence, speak your heart out and tell them what you like and dislike, what scares you the most, and everything else! Remember, love doesn’t judge you for your past, fear or mistakes.
Getting naked…
Nobody’s going to remember you for your priced possession or anything that is acquired through peer pressure. Take off the unwanted baggage that is weighing you down. Get your mind, soul and heart naked! It may be better than getting naked for sex!
An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!
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