Captain Marvel is not the strongest
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Captain Marvel, who? So what if she can fight the bad guys? So what if she can lift weights over 270 pounds in the gym? That’s really impressive, gotta admit! Every woman out there in this universe (not just Brie Larson AKA Captain Marvel) is stronger, bolder and dynamic. OK, this blog is not going to be one of those Women’s Day specials or anything as such. This is more like a tribute to every woman working her arse off to overcome the obstacles in life.
While the entire world is celebrating women on this day, it was a clever move from Marvel to release a movie with woman super hero on Women’s Day. What is so special about women apart from pushing out a miniature human, bleeding for about 7 days, having multiple orgasms and other medical phenomena (if any)? It’s quiet evident that most men think we only brag about these qualities and fight our way out in every debate. We are more than just “bobs and vagene”.
Women are generally good leaders, authors, multitaskers, overachievers, world record breakers, athletes, lovers, you name it! We are passionate about our likes and strong-willed with our goals in life. Above all, we are good thinkers. We think a lot before taking a huge leap in our lives. We pick ourselves up even if the results are not favouring us, and we don’t easily crumble. We still walk around the streets with such grace and dignity amidst prying eyes and catcalls. We pull off biceps and 6-pack abs with cute freckles and spectacles effortlessly. We are not overwhelmed by peer pressures and criticisms. We do NOT give up just like that. We fight back. We fight back REAL HARD. We are constantly working hard to survive every hardship in life, got any idea how hard is it?
We are truly one of a kind. It is an undeniable fact that each one of us is inspiring in a way. We have more brownie points than flaws to our side. More power to our strength. Let us celebrate the greatness now and forever.
And last but not the least, we are God’s favourite because he likes to keep us around on earth longer than men! 😉
An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!
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clever move