The benefits of brisk walking are insane!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You don’t have to hit the fancy gyms when you are blessed with a beautiful environment around you. I started brisk walking when I was still a student and could not afford to go to gym. It was the best decision ever and I swear by Mother Nature! You could walk outside, in the park, beach sidewalk, street pavement, and terrace! It is as simple as that! Please read further to know the super benefits!

You lose kilos fast

The weight reduction is going to be fast if you religiously follow and embrace walking, be it any time of the day! You will start losing fat even before you realise it.

Your mental health is going to be a lot better

I am talking about walking outside where you can breathe in fresh air. Not the treadmills at your air-conditioned home! Walking outside in the natural setup is going to ease out your depression, anxiety and stress. It is also scientifically proven!

Sun and moon are your best friends

This is going to sound like those cliched facts! You get vitamin D if you are exposed to sun in the morning. Vitamin D reduces the risk of heart diseases, multiple sclerosis and even flu! Moonlight helps in regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle. Furthermore, it helps you to sleep better. And these are just SOME of the actual benefits!

You get in shape

It is not just about the weighing scale! You are also going to tone your body and work on those flabby parts. Naturally, by all means!

You get time for your thoughts and ideas

This is a lowkey benefit that people tend to forget while getting busy at losing weight. There is a chance for you to work toward your dream business sooner than before.

So grab your shoes, chappals, comfort clothes or whatsoever, and brisk walk. You will not regret it!


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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