21 days

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If you are privileged enough to read this blog with food, shelter and clothing even under this horrific lockdown due to a pandemic disease, you are so lucky!  You can utilise these 21 days with more than just Netflix and memes. Imagine having all 21 days to yourself with no distractions from work or the outside world, it is a lowkey JACKPOT!

  1. You can always discover a new hobby. Something that you have always wished to do since childhood. Painting, dancing, cooking, or even whistling, you name it! It can be silly, but special to you.
  2. And what about the long lost hobby that you did last summer, last decade.. last life *just kidding*, it’s never too late! You can still catch up with it.
  3. You can take a break from the food delivery apps. You never know, you could actually shed off those few extra stubborn pounds! Your body is going to secretly worship you.
  4. How about organising/rearranging your wardrobe, files, folders, anything that could lift extra burden off your shoulders when your normal life resumes.
  5. And this is the easiest of all. You could always help. There are so many people inaccessible to basic needs now. You could always not bother asking for change from the daily wage earners. You could provide food to homeless people stranded in your area, but of course with safety measures involved.

They say it takes 21 days to build a habit. So try to make these days as productive as you can. You will be surprised at the end of this self quarantine. You will have something worthy enough (apart from the Netflix series and movies you watched!) to brag about to your parents and friends.


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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