3 ways to get rid of the fear of judgement

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How often do you stay away from people only because you don’t like to be judged for your slightest actions and reactions (even by accident)?

You, my friend are labelled as an “anti-social” by the society! The world clearly does not understand how vulnerable and fragile you are. It’s not their fault either. So, how can you get rid of this fear?


It is certainly possible when you learn to accept the harsh reality. The world is toxic sometimes and people are going to judge you no matter what. It is going to be tough initially but remember, there is nothing that you CAN’T do in this small world! Put on your brave face and lead your livelihood like never before.

Stop validating

You are good the way you are! Believe it if that is what your hearts says! Please stop validating every negative opinion that comes your way. You are the whole universe. Listen to your conscience. Redirect your concern to yourself and the people you care.

Stop doubting

Remember, your well-wishers do NOT judge you for your past actions. They only care about your happiness. And it does not mean they are going to be eyeful either! Get rid of your doubts and love them a little bit more!

Do not be a tortoise and hide in that shell. Go ahead with your life and start exploring people, relationships and everything else right away! You will feel a lot better when your fear becomes a history!

We can do this! You are not alone. 🙂


An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!

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