Why love knows no boundaries
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I’m not a love therapist but one thing I know for sure is that happiness comes from within. And where there is happiness, there is love! It is as simple as that! Love is a mutual feeling between a parent-child, couple, teacher-student, or anyone for that matter.
According to me, there is no adjective for love. You cannot say if it is true or fake. Love is just so…boundless like a blue sky. In other words, it is universal, and does not have boundaries. Today, people have many restrictions, expectations and limitations in love. Boundaries arise from colour, religion, race, caste, space, type, group, status – you name it, anything that divides humans!
Love is a sublime feeling that knows no boundaries
Honestly, people in love does not care about the infinite boundaries that are out there. Love is so selfless, and it gives people a better insight into happiness. Money can’t buy happiness, but love definitely can!
Try saying nice things to people around you, but in a more heartfelt way. You never know, you could bring a positivity in their life. It is all about those small kind gestures! Love helps to take away the negativity, heal the self-doubts and cure depression.
The funny thing is that there are weird things happening around the world now. For example, people are dying due to hatred, to say the least. It also makes me extremely uncomfortable to watch TV advertisements on matrimonial sites for different castes. Like seriously? Everything in the world seems to be more divided in the open forum now. Love has become so very little among people.
Sometimes, I even doubt if there is love at all! But I keep reminding myself that there is still hope in love when I come across something unconditional in life. It is like this movie ‘Room’ that inspired me to write this blog. So all credit to the movie!
An introverted blogger who is on an expedition to amazing life, true love, unforgettable travel experience and healthy lifestyle!
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