My mom often used to tell me that some people would hesitate to even offer a glass of water in this mean world. I thought it was just like her usual rantings ...Read more
I have travelled solo to several countries in the last few years, and I was shocked at how people in the West perceive travelling solo to India. They often label it as unsafe and land of con artists. But tell you what, India is truly incredible! There might be a few disadvantages, but what is a trip without an adventure
Getting naked…
- bySwagachi
- 1.1 k Views
Getting naked is not just about stripping off all your clothes for sex, shower, or anything else. Have you ever thought about getting your heart naked? And no, ...Read more
Please stop doing these 5 things if you care about mental wellness
- bySwagachi
Honestly, there are so many things that people do to spoil their mental health. And it is never too late to take care of your mental wellness. Here are 5 of ...Read more
Quarantine – A real life thriller
- bySwagachi
Flashback "The world is going to end." on hearing about a natural calamity in a faraway land. "WW3 is here!" on watching Kim Jong-un's documentaries on ...Read more