I'm not a love therapist but one thing I know for sure is that happiness comes from within. And where there is happiness, there is love! It is as simple as ...Read more
I have travelled solo to several countries in the last few years, and I was shocked at how people in the West perceive travelling solo to India. They often label it as unsafe and land of con artists. But tell you what, India is truly incredible! There might be a few disadvantages, but what is a trip without an adventure
Why dad is the best
- bySwagachi
Happy Father's Day to every amazing dad around the world. Emperor penguins deserve 'The Best Father' award Dads are the best, be it humans or animals! Male ...Read more
Please stop doing these 5 things if you care about mental wellness
- bySwagachi
Honestly, there are so many things that people do to spoil their mental health. And it is never too late to take care of your mental wellness. Here are 5 of ...Read more
How to stand up for yourself
- bySwagachi
Sometimes, the world can be cruel to you with unnecessary hatred and negativity. But taking that into your head and breaking down is solely your choice. I had ...Read more
You are beautiful
- bySwagachi
The tall, short, flat nosed, pointy nosed, curvy, petite, skinny, fat, brown, black, white, full lips, thin lips, black haired, red haired - you name it, not ...Read more
Why loneliness is dangerous
- bySwagachi
- 1 k Views
Being lonely and not disturbed by the outside world could be a detox to many of us during hard times. On the contrary, things could end up bad when you decide ...Read more
Lifestyle changes for PCOS
Any woman who produces more than normal amount of male hormones is prone to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). As a result, it can affect the fertility and ...Read more
Black or white – Swagachi
- bySwagachi
There are about 195 countries with over 7.8 billion people in the world. And not all of them are either black or white! In the first place, this mighty world ...Read more
Do introverts secretly like getting attention?
Oh well, how I would love to say YES. Everybody likes to be noticed for right things and this applies for introverts as well. We like it subtle with not much ...Read more
What Love Does To You?
- bySwagachi
- 1.6 k Views
Love changes everything in life, be it good or bad! Let me tell you something filmy, there is a whole lot of amazing vibes involved and it cannot be described ...Read more