Everyone thinks being the youngest child is probably the best advantage in the world. Well, it is and it isn't. It is like a blessing to be pampered and looked ...Read more
I have travelled solo to several countries in the last few years, and I was shocked at how people in the West perceive travelling solo to India. They often label it as unsafe and land of con artists. But tell you what, India is truly incredible! There might be a few disadvantages, but what is a trip without an adventure
4 ways to say sorry
- bySwagachi
- 1.1 k Views
There is no one perfect in the whole wide world of 7.8 billion people. Everyone makes mistakes, some realises and many don't. May be people don't apologise due ...Read more
Getting naked…
- bySwagachi
- 1.1 k Views
Getting naked is not just about stripping off all your clothes for sex, shower, or anything else. Have you ever thought about getting your heart naked? And no, ...Read more
The touch…
- bySwagachi
- 1 k Views
Now that I'm 6 feet apart from my loved ones, I'm starting to realise a lot of things. One of them is the power of human touch. It can either make or destroy ...Read more
How to stop overthinking
- bySwagachi
Overthinking is something that some of us are overly gifted with! The kind of thoughts that run through our minds is just so...crazy. I hate to say this, but ...Read more
How amazing are you? | NOT a quiz
First of all, you are amazing the way you are. No doubt! And please, give a break to those lame Facebook quizzes that make money out of every click! There is ...Read more
Why mental strength is important now
- bySwagachi
- 1 k Views
Sometimes, I feel strong and yet so weak. I wake up feeling absolutely great, but all the current headlines give me fear, insecurities and negativity ...Read more
How to lift your mood in 7 quick ways
- bySwagachi
Let's be honest, the world is very weird right now. With so much negativity going around, it is absolutely common to feel low and dejected from time to time ...Read more
Why love knows no boundaries
- bySwagachi
- 1.5 k Views
I'm not a love therapist but one thing I know for sure is that happiness comes from within. And where there is happiness, there is love! It is as simple as ...Read more
The call you never made…
- bySwagachi
- 1.5 k Views
Do you still regret not making that 1 phone call? It could be the call to your best friend, mentor, family, etc. The call that could have possibly changed the ...Read more